How businesses use web scrapers


The amount of data available to us is getting bigger by the minute. Because it grows so fast, using it to your advantage could benefit your business. Embracing this change can be considered challenging for some, but it doesn’t have to be.

Web scraping, also known as web data extraction, is a term used to describe the automated process of collecting a large amount of web data. This can later be used and analyzed for a variety of different things. It could also play an important role in a company’s development. Current solutions vary. Some need human help, while others are automated solutions that can work successfully on their own. They could also be using AI. Here are 4 ways that the companies that use scrapers operate.

1. Lead generation

A successful business often points to the amazing ability to generate new leads. Whilst searching for each of them manually can prove to be rewarding, it’s extremely time-consuming. Automating the process will provide you with a greater number of leads in a shorter period of time. A simple LinkedIn search, for example, can be automated to fit any desired criteria. Companies often do this with social media. Scraping your competitor’s list of followers can be used to your advantage. These are potential customers who are already interested in a product or service similar to yours, therefore it should be easy to acquire them as your own.

2. Market research

Entering a highly saturated market can be a struggle. Many are unsure of who their customer is and how their competitors work. Studying both ensure for a better marketing strategy, whether you are entering a new market or trying to improve your product/service. The data you can extract with web scraping is endless. Scraping prices, product descriptions, and even pictures will allow enough information to analyze your competition. Analyzing reviews and demands will improve your services and products. You can also set successful future strategies by following the current trends. SEO tools such as SEMrush work by using web scrapers, and allow for a quick search of your competitor’s most used keywords. That will give you a good idea of what exactly drives traffic to their website.

3. Price optimization

Regular price updates are crucial for every business. The tricky part is achieving this goal without upsetting your customers. In e-commerce, retailers often use web scraping to monitor their competitor’s prices. They most often look into their ongoing and future promotions to know what works best. Adjusting your prices according to the market without doing any research can be damaging to a business. Having analyzed data, you will be able to give your customers a better offer than what your competitors are offering.

Web scraping is a term that has been around for a long time. Whether your goal is to drive new leads or do simple market research, it’s time to automate the data and use it to your advantage.

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