NFC Tags vs QR Codes vs URL: Which is Much Better to Use in Creating a Digital Business Card?


Digital business cards are highly significant to many enterprises and freelancers. It is customizable, eco-friendly, advantageous, and cost-effective. They also save the trouble of constantly redesigning and reprinting new cards when updating a piece of information. Additionally, paper cards are usually thrown away within a week; hence, it can avoid this waste.

Another significant factor about digital business cards is that people can share their contact information in real-time. With a simple URL, NFC tag, or QR code, an individual can send their data to a client at the touch of a button. Nevertheless, which three software is better for creating a digital business card?

NFC Business Card

This type of electronic corporate card shares information using near-field communication technology. An individual can encode limited information using custom NFC tags. It contradicts the QR codes and URL-based digital cards.

NFC tags are helpful, most especially when travelling with digital business cards. Although an entrepreneur has a size limitation, they can still encrypt basic information and provide a URL to their online portfolio or website. The NTAG216 tag has the highest capacity, consisting of 888 bytes. Thus, many decided it is ideal for business cards. Other NFC-chip types for people to pick from have different features and storage capacities. Transmitting this information is seamless, as the other party needs to tap their NFC card or tag to see the business card. The person’s corporate index is then savable for future reference by them if they have an NFC-enabled phone.

Besides that, it is entirely safe for encryption and tokenisation to be used to reduce hacking risk.

QR Code Scanning

This barcode matrix is much better than URL sharing to show a business card.

The only drawback of using QR codes is it redirects the user to a specific webpage. It can only mean the card will be visible to the other person with Internet access. It can be dangerous to people who do not own mobile data since public Wi-Fi is risky. Hackers use rogue Wi-Fi hotspots for data interception and malware infecting devices. It is best to avoid exposing future clients to such danger.

QR codes are only best used with secure Internet access. It is a wiser option as it can lead to higher data plan costs.

URL Distribution

It can be much easier to manually share a URL to direct people towards their digital business cards. It saves time and helps an individual focus more on other vital tasks. Howbeit, it is a major turn-off to some. There is also a high possibility that the link has a phishing attachment. Unless there is an embedded blog article, it should work fine.

Nevertheless, they are still more unreliable than NFC tags or QR codes.

These are the standard software utilised to share information with anyone worldwide programmatically. Digital networking has, indeed, become a necessity for business success. Some people even run their entire corporation on their smartphones. With digital business cards, this program support entrepreneurs merge traditional business cards with modern business tools.

To be more knowledgeable about digital business cards and their value, see the infographic below, created and designed by NFC Tagify:

What are Digital Business Cards and Why You Should Have One


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