How to Present Yourself at the Job-Interview


The most important tip comes first because it is probably the most powerful-yet-forgotten element when it comes to interviewer and interviewee. You should look, (and be) happy to be there. You can be as nervous as you like, and you can be as unconfident as you like, but we at know that the key to presenting yourself correctly at a job interview is to walk in there and be happy to be there.

Be Happy to Be There?

Most people enter an interview and treat it like an exam, which means people act like they are having a bad time and/or do not want to be there. It is not their intention, but interviewees appear this way to the people who are interviewing them.

You need to be happy to be there. If somebody were to ask you, “How do you feel?” you may say, “Happy to be here, I was hoping to get this interview.” The fact is that you should want the job and you should appear happy to have the opportunity to be interviewed.

There Is Nothing Wrong with Saying You Are Nervous

How you appear and present yourself may differ from how you feel on the insider. Now, obviously, feelings and thoughts do not matter, it is your actions that matter, but you may help the interviewer understand you a little better if you tell them if you are nervous. It may help explain your nervous behavior and help show that you are not typical of a nervous disposition.

Dress Traditional Without Trying Too Hard

Dress smartly in what many may consider traditional interview clothing, which is supposed to look professional. However, you may wish to tone it down just a bit depending upon the type of job you are trying to get. For example, if you are going for a fast food job, then you may look a little silly in a suit and tie. Plus, there are times when you can dress out of a job. There are times when you may look a little too good to the point where the employer doesn’t hire you because he or she figures you will quickly leave for something better.

Recite What You Read in The Advertisement

If they ask for a diligent worker, who keeps good time and is honest and trustworthy, then try to throw those keywords into your interview when you are asked questions. Plus, you should really rehearse the sorts of things that you are going to say in your interview.

Conclusion— Rehearsing and Wanting the Job

It sounds nutty to mention it but wanting the job and making it clear that you want a job is a powerful tool. People treat interviews like a bad thing, and it makes it look like they do not want the job, but saying you want the job and that you are looking forward to it is a powerful tool for convincing the employer that you want the job. Plus, you should really rehearse your answers to a few of the most obvious questions. You would be surprised how many people fall at the first hurdle when the interviewer asks why he or she wants the job and the interviewee doesn’t have a good answer.

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