Help to Open a Branch or New Business in Hong Kong


If you are wanting to open a branch of your company or open a totally new company in Hong Kong, it is suggested you find an agency to help you with this. There are many guidelines that you need to follow and an agency is the best bet getting through this process the first time.

Company setup

Hong Kong company setup has changed. It used to be that anyone could open a “Sole Trader Company” by only needing a Hong Kong permit of residence. But now, unless you are planning to stay in Hong Kong, you are able to open a “Limited Company”. Of course, you can go to Hong Kong and open the company alone. But the government does require your company to have an office as well as a company secretary that is based in Hong Kong.

Work with an agency

The good news to start business in Hong Kong is that you don’t need to have an office to rent or hire a full-time secretary. There are now several agencies that will provide this service to you for about 5 to 6000 HKD per year (around $750). These agencies are able to keep the low cost since the same person is able to act as a company secretary for several companies. The same goes for the office address – the office of any agency can be used as the “official registered office address” for several companies.


And the advantage is you can open a company or branch without having to actually having to go to Hong Kong as paper registration and e-registration is allowed. You can talk over the details by phone or email with whatever agency you choose and send them all the needed documents by mail. Payment is easy using:

  • PayPal
  • Bank transfer
  • Credit card

Signed documents can be returned by DHL or any other international courier service.

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